Capital One Bank i Westbury

Forenede StaterCapital One Bank



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947, Old Country Road, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-997-6400
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7544537, Longitude: -73.5612063

kommentar 4

  • en

    Maki Atiu


    People here kinda suck especially the fat bank teller

  • franco chuquilin

    franco chuquilin


    Unhelpful and very uninterested in helping. If they hate their jobs so much they shouldn't work there. Don't bring that bad attitude to work . Not coming to this branch ever again

  • en

    Tajala Aziz


    I have been banking with this bank for 10 years. This is the worst branch. Bad leadership poorly trained tellers a lot of fighting. Annoying to deal with when all u need is help with banking. Not good customer service. A lot of people are complaining about this branch.

  • xia long xia lin

    xia long xia lin


    Free coffee and it's not bad coffee the place has a nice charm to its the best O'Lakes to honestly during the summer the outside where the atm is is a bit dusty but that's about it

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