Chase Bank i Hicksville

Forenede StaterChase Bank



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284, North Broadway, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-931-8679
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.778471, Longitude: -73.531143

kommentar 5

  • Jie Li

    Jie Li



  • en

    surjit singh


    Banker walking around from last 20 minutes I'm sitting in noone helping very bad staff

  • en

    Agnes Choe


    After being a loyal customer to Chase Bank for over 20 years (since my wedding), I am appalled by the upsetting and stressful experience I had and the abysmal customer service I received yesterday (4/3/17) from the tellers at the 284 N Broadway Chase Bank in Hicksville. All I needed was a simple transaction of $500 (in 5 hundred-dollar bills) into $20 bills. As I gave teller the bills, she instructed me to put in my Chase debit card. As I was distracted, the teller quickly put the bills into the counting machine and told me the total was $400. I told her that I gave her $500, she glared at me and insisted that it was $400, without trying to recount. When I continued to argue, she told me there isn’t any other money around her. I was shocked, and horrified, as she left me in a position without any evidence. Then she told another teller next to her to help her search the counting machine. When the 1st teller took $100 out, I politely asked if she had found my money, but she ordered me to wait, without explanation, and I did so for 15 minutes. The two ladies kept looking for money into the counting machine. They continued to search and discuss amongst themselves. When I finally saw her put down the fifth hundred dollar bill, I asked again if they found them and the 1st teller gave me a blunt “Yes” with an attitude. I told her that she scared me then the 2nd nastily wrote me off, saying “What are you scared for? We found your money!” with an angry undertone. I just told the 1st teller to give me my money and I went over to customer service and told her the story but they repeated the same answer, ignoring the time I wasted waiting for them, the lack of any apology or explanation whatsoever, and the rudeness in their words and actions. She was only asking if I got my money back. What these two tellers did to me was very unprofessional and unacceptable for employees in the bank, especially one as large and respected as Chase. If the tellers had even attempted to apologize, or just treat me like a customer rather than an annoying child, I wouldn’t be writing this right now. I myself used to work in a bank, and I know the importance of accuracy and treating customers correctly. If not for the loyal 20 years I spent with Chase, I would have closed my account immediately, just because of the tone of their voices and the manner in which they treated me. I am posting about these ill-mannered, undeserving employees to warn other customers that they may treat you the same way.

  • Shahidul Mahfuz

    Shahidul Mahfuz


    Had good experience

  • Ashish Sharma

    Ashish Sharma


    Nice and easily accessible.

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