Brake Masters #128 w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneBrake Masters #128



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5110, East Ray Road, 85044, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-459-4340
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.320997, Longitude: -111.974049

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jeanette Schrauth


    Staff was friendly, Knowledgeable, And helpful. I had a pleasant experience getting my daughter’s car fixed.

  • Jennifer Phelps

    Jennifer Phelps


    THANK YOU! Driving from Tucson to Phoenix, I was rear ended on I-10 and pulled into the first place I found to make sure everything was ok. They were friendly, got me in quickly, said it was okay and charged me nothing. They could have taken advantage and screwed me over but not at all. This kind of experience really shows the integrity of a place. Thanks, guys!!

  • en

    dori bakery


    So in all fairness they had to replace my coolant quick connects on my truck. Had it towed by recommendation of tow truck driver. I don't think I would ever return. Communication from them was poor. I always had to call them.Took a bit longer than expected and i called 5 minutes after they opened Saturday morning and no one was there yet. Also price was a bit steep. Could have driven and done a parking lot fix for the price of a gallon of coolant. I was lazy and my laziness cost me money. In hindsight I would go elsewhere or fix it myself.

  • en

    Sarkis Khamou


    Took my Camry there for a simple alignment and two times of sitting for over an hour and still isn't correct. The mechanic will get an attitude with you for correcting him while a white shirt manager tells you everything is perfect. Perfect lol worst service!

  • en



    Don't waste your time coming here. Horrible service!!!!! The guy didn't have a clue what was going on with my car. I started asking questions and he got flustered and was really confusing to try and understand him. Never coming back. $200 down the drain. I didn't want to even date this place 1 star. I give them 0 stars.

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