Sun Devil Auto w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneSun Devil Auto



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5104, East Ray Road, 85044, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-496-6696
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.320416, Longitude: -111.97412

komentarze 5

  • Kimberly Moss

    Kimberly Moss


    we have been coming here for several years, these guys take care of every vehicle for us. They are honest with us whether it's good news or bad news. You can't ask for more than that. Trust them!

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    Jayden Vanauken


    I went into Sun Devil today right before they closed to see if I could get my oil changed, and I was surprised they were able to help me on such short notice... Dave and Joe helped me with all of my questions, gave the best customer service, and went above and beyond to make sure that I was a happy customer... I’ll be back if I need anything else done on my car!!

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    Derek Savells


    Best place to service your vehicle. Honest and friendly staff. I was recommended to bring my vehicle here and will continue to recommend others here as well. If you need your vehicle repaired make sure to talk to Joe or David.

  • Jackie Cuevas

    Jackie Cuevas


    Who ever said this place was honest doesn't really know. I took my 2013 Kia Optima because the A/C was not blowing cold. They said it had a leak and needed freon. Well they wanted to charge me almost $600 and I said hell no. I just wanted an estimate of the diagnose. Well, I then took it to a real mechanic. TERRY'S AUTO REPAIR in McDowell and 40th St in Phoenix and that man is so honest and an amazing mechanic he fixed it awesome and only was $180.00 then I took my other car because he was so good. I will never take anothet car again to Sun Devil Auto. I know they have bad reputation but damn they screw you over.

  • en

    joe carrillo


    Best place to get your vehicle serviced. Honest and great prices

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