Bikram Yoga @ the Palisades i Palisades Park

Forenede StaterBikram Yoga @ the Palisades



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536, Bergen Boulevard, 07650, Palisades Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-592-1477
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8480546, Longitude: -73.9842644

kommentar 5

  • R. Mutiva

    R. Mutiva


    If I could sum up Bikram Yoga at Palisades in one phrase It would be the following — Life Changing! Bikram has revitalized my life In every way imaginable. Prior to joining Bikram, I dealt with severe knee pains, chronic back ailments, Carpal tunnel syndrome and high blood pressure. Since joining — my health has improved tremendously — which is why this practice is one-of-a-kind. Through the guidance of each phenomenal instructor on staff, you are guided with exemplary aid in your postures as well as critical explanations and meaning for each exercise. If you want to change your life for the better sign up for Bikram Yoga at Palisades — it truly is life changing!

  • Kerry Fernandez

    Kerry Fernandez


    I'm really enjoying yoga again since I started at Bikram Yoga @ Palisades. The staff is knowledgeable and down to earth friendly. The yoga room looks and smells clean which is really important. The ceilings are high so it doesn't feel claustrophobic and the room itself is large. The locker room and showers are also clean. Its a 20 minute drive for me but worth it as there is parking onsite. It really is a very special place with good energy.

  • en

    Otise Schuk


    I have been going to Bikram Yoga @ The Palisades for many years, but over the last few years, there have been so many positive changes. There is a lot of variety in the class offering, so there is something for everyone. There is ALWAYS a special or a sale so classes are always affordable, and the have GREAT YOGA CLOTHES! Like, seriously, clothes you can wear outside the studio and still be fabulous. That matters, at least to me. The studio is spacious and clean, the staff is so very nice, and it is a great place to practice (and its super close to the GWB so you can snatch a class whether you are going or coming from the city). Bikram Yoga Palisades isn't just my yoga studio; it's my yoga home. I love it.

  • en



    I started 3 months ago and taking classes two to three times a week. This place is for everybody, young/old, men/women, skinny/overweight, athletes/non-athletes. All instructors are very friendly, always smiling, creating very welcoming positive environment for everybody, and they are very passionate about Yoga. You will get healthy body and mind from this place. They also offer Hot Hit class which I really like too. Clean locker rooms and showers after the classes. Easy parking. What more can I ask for??

  • Stacy Petriello

    Stacy Petriello


    I can't say enough about Bikram Yoga Palisades or about the owner, Jessica. She is a class act and makes me feel like I belong to this community and on top of that she is a great Yogi and only has like minded working with her. Place is always clean, always inviting and each visit my practice is put to test. Thanks for being such a great business owner!! Truly..

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