Big Bottom Bikes w Oakdale

Stany ZjednoczoneBig Bottom Bikes



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1482, Montauk Highway, 11769, Oakdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-563-7814
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.743989, Longitude: -73.1378223

komentarze 5

  • en



    Love this shop and its staff, including the adorable Terrier at the counter. Bob took care of my inspection on the spot and even referred me to a different shop for parts he may not stock. Had the parts I needed for my bike *the next day*. Even Amazon can't do that. Lots of chrome and specialty mods too. I'll be a return customer for sure.

  • Kitty Meow Lyons

    Kitty Meow Lyons


    Best shop on the South shore...Bob @ BBB will communicate with no hidden agendas and do a top notch job on ANY bike he takes this business...and shop mascot Gwynn is a girl ta gotta meet!

  • en

    Ron Villate


    Don't spend your money here. Go to Twisted Cycles instead. Night & Day!

  • en

    William Mendolia


    Bob and his staff do a good job. Worked on my bike and went above and beyond. I'm recamending him to all bike owners. Bob took care of my bike it was his own

  • en

    Bob Eckna


    Hi this is Bob over at big Bottom Bikes, As being in business for 14 years in the same location, 7 days a week with no advertisement, I think that speaks for itself. For everyone who knows me, I give 120% to all my customers. I am straight up and honest with pricing and giving an estimate to a customer before hand. Nobody likes to hear what it cost to fix or repair anything. I believe I have a fair price at $95/hour, and to the best of my knowledge we still have the lowest labor rate on the Island. Unfortunately, I cant make everyone happy, but I do the best I can for those who walk into my shop. We are a mom and pop shop, and anyone who knows me or the shop will agree. There are two sides to every story. Please be open minded. Come down here and meet us and see what Big Bottom Bikes is all about. If you've read this and taken us into consideration come on down, mention this and get a 10% discount.

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