Bebu's Kitchen w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneBebu's Kitchen


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

589, Main Street, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-880-6464
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8975157, Longitude: -74.0403807

komentarze 4

  • en

    Mira Shah


    Raul renovated my parent's kitchen and bathroom. I would not recommend his work. He was a nice guy up until he gets his paycheck then he turns in totally different person. His work looked good on the outside but then when you look closer there any many functional errors. When we brought these to his attention he refused to correct and denied that there was anything wrong in some situations. After a week, screws were coming out and things were falling apart. He was rude to my mother and has a sharp tongue. Please be careful leaving him alone in your house. He makes himself at home and goes through your stuff and even takes things without asking. Because of this i would not recommend Bebu's Kitchen.

  • Luca Kiem

    Luca Kiem


    Great cabinet deal! He has great designing ideas and suggestions ...Great service ! Thank you one again ! My mother love her new kitchen , We definitely recommend your service to others .

  • James Q

    James Q


    Everything promised was delivered plus job was completed ahead of schedule , workers were professional and pleasant.

  • Steven McClelland

    Steven McClelland


    He started off very nice and helpful. He gave me a good estimate and stuck to it, but his work was fast and sloppy. He put cabinet doors on top cabinet on backwards. He did not have finished paneling flush, it was bowed out by too much shim, and I had to call in a refinisher to finish his finish job. Once he received my check for payment in full he never returned my calls or emails as to needing him to fix a few of the items just mentioned. I would not recommend him to you if you want a quality job done on your kitchen. Had he replied to my calls and email I would not even be writing this, but when someone refuses to return calls after mistakes have been made well you be the judge.

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