La-Z-Boy Home Furnishings & Décor w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneLa-Z-Boy Home Furnishings & Décor



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332 Route 4 East, Paramus, NJ 07652, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-678-1002
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9125133, Longitude: -74.0434487

komentarze 5




    Nick was very patient and helpful making sure I was purchasing the best recliner to fit my medical needs. He didnt mind answering as many questions as I had and going back and forth selecting my new recliner. I just came home after spine surgery and was unable to go to the store. However, I had visited the store a couple of weeks ago and he remembered me and even though the recliner I had tried was not longer available, Nick went out of his way helping me select the best rexliner for my back and small frame. Very pleased with his service.

  • Mary Beth Del Balzo

    Mary Beth Del Balzo


    John took great care of us when my husband was shopping for a lift recliner. John made sure that we were able to obtain a discount and helped us navigate the many options. We are looking forward to receiving our Recliner. Thank you!!

  • en

    Joan Everson


    Excellent service. Nathan was extremely helpful and kind. Barbara was so good at helping me to pick out a fabric. This has been an excellent experience with a very Carrie dad. Everyone was so helpful and courteous and kind. I will definitely recommend this place to store to my friend. Thank you for excellent service.

  • Daniel Gallagher

    Daniel Gallagher


    Very positive experience. Salesman was very helpful and not at all pushy. Gave us information and pricing and never did we feel pressured. Very happy with the entire process and always happy to buy American made!

  • Elina Ploskin

    Elina Ploskin


    What a great experience! After a disappointing experience at a different furniture store, my boyfriend and I were pleasantly surprised at the service we received at Laz-boy. From the minute we walked in the door the salesperson was attentive and helpful. He wasn’t pushy but did tell us about all the options. Best of all, we came out in 30 minutes with a couch purchase! I would highly recommend going here for your next couch purchase!

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