bd's Mongolian Grill en Lexington

Estados Unidosbd's Mongolian Grill



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2309, Sir Barton Way, 40509, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 859-264-0686
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.0222441, Longitude: -84.4226671

comentarios 5

  • amy fambrough

    amy fambrough


    I love BDs!! From the fact that I can pick out everything that I want in my dish, to the sauces that I can choose as well there's nothing wrong or bad about BD's. There's always a challenge of who gets the highest Bowl! Fresh vegetable salad bar any concoction that you think of you can make at BD's! I've yet to have a bad visit oh my goodness yum yum sauce for the win

  • Brooke Rieth

    Brooke Rieth


    Really good! This was first time going there. Made mentally nervous though having my one year old on my hip and touching the nasty wet tongs in the chicken container. Could come up with a better method for that or have sanitizer or wet wipes at the grill so after you hand your food over to be cooked you can wash up a little.

  • Mark Kasten

    Mark Kasten


    Great food spent less than $15 and took enough food home for another entire meal One of the best restaurants in Lexington Great tasting food. Fun to watch them cook your food. Really best food for the money around. Will go back again and often.

  • Rampancy at Midnight

    Rampancy at Midnight


    Food was great as always, but the menu is unnecessarily confusing and large. Service is fine, but could have been notably better. The wait time at the grill peaked for a moment, but on a second round was quite a bit faster.

  • en

    Shawn Moberly


    Food was good...we ordered the Pad Thai off the menu and it came fast. Our only complaint was the server..not very friendly or attentive...forgot to bring rice or tortillas we asked for...never brought tortillas we asked for. Also never refilled our drinks once...acted mad at the world! Good was very good though and we will go back and hopefully get a better server!

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