Bay Decorators Inc i New York

Forenede StaterBay Decorators Inc



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2618, Avenue U, 11229, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-769-7772
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.5998894, Longitude: -73.945011

kommentar 5

  • en

    marina bab


    I had the best experience at Bay Decorators! I have three windows of different size - 2 of them in odd angles - and did not know how to cover them. The team there was so helpful! They gave me several options and ultimately helped me choose the best curtains for me. Also they gave me an idea of a divider to separate my room - it looks amazing! I get so many compliments on it. Overall, very happy with my experience and will definitely return for my next decorating need!

  • en

    Dina S.


    Great Company , Good Job , great and professional staff, Designers , Installers, All Great!!!! Next Project will do Only There!

  • en

    oleg babushkin


    Using this company for four jobs in my house, always very satisfied with the job. Very professional and helpful people.Tremandas choose of different products . Highly recommend it.

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    sara lewin


    I am disappointed with their lack of efficiency w my appt. They made an appt w me I called and asked that it be scheduled late to which they agreed. I waited home for them to arrive. When they didn't come I called to find out why, initially there was no answer when I got to them about 45 minutes later their response was "oh we couldn't make it".. WHY DIDN'T U CALL AND LET ME KNOW I HAVE CALLER least schedule the next appt according to my schedule that didn't happen yet... I AM VERY UNIMPRESSED!

  • Peter Strauss

    Peter Strauss


    Bay Deco did a great job on my window treatments. They were there in a timely manor, expedient, and very importantly CLEAN (and left everything spotless)...I appreciate it when a business does what they say they're going to do and exceed my expectations. Thank You!

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