Staples i New York

Forenede StaterStaples



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2892, Ocean Avenue, 11235, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-743-8238
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.5909092, Longitude: -73.950274

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steven Lin


    Horrendous service. Watch out for the lady in the blue staples uniform; making up “new store policies” on the spot to save a bit of money, shouldn’t blame them though, the store is disgustingly empty for a reason. 0/10 would recommend anyone going.

  • en

    Maxim Rubenchik


    The associate who helped me was very attentive and helpful. They have a great and patient staff in the printing department.

  • en

    Назгүл Көпбосынқызы


    They don’t worth that expensive price for photo printing! Photo paper is worst quality and I should to cut them by myself (they printed two photos on one page). It’s much cheaper in Wallgreens. And there it was much easier to print photos from phone

  • Gregory K

    Gregory K


    I know this store for years. Used to be excellent and friendly service, and much more merchandise. Now it's as friendly as it before, but I'd wish you to stay in shape, and get as well as you were 10 to 5 years ago!

  • en

    Maryamka Maryamka


    very unhelpful stuff! the guy making his face like I'm asking for money or food from him, all I needed to know was how to use the printing machine, and how do I know which email to send in order to print where?? that was a stupid experience that I had in this store in such a cold evening!

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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