Bank of America Financial Center in Mahwah

Vereinigte StaatenBank of America Financial Center



🕗 öffnungszeiten

210, New Jersey 17, 07430, Mahwah, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 201-529-4670
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.094836, Longitude: -74.15688

kommentare 5

  • debi Carlton

    debi Carlton


  • en

    Peter Chong


    I'm surprised in how poorly managed this Bank of America is ran. I don't understand how you have one teller handling both the drive-thru and front desk and you have two bank managers just sitting at their desk completely oblivious to the fact that three people ahead of me walk out without fulfilling their banking needs. Just because your a bank manager and being a teller is "not part of your job description" doesn't mean you should let your customers walk out in a terrible mood. This bank used to be fast and efficient but its headed in wrong direction in customer experience and service if it continues to be ran poorly.

  • Mendel Gordon

    Mendel Gordon


    ATM worked great

  • en

    Victoria Janssen


    Most incompetent banking staff I have ever had the misfortune to work with in my life. The banker I was approached by had no reservations about having a very public conversation with me about my account but then told me she couldn't help me with my online banking account questions due to security reasons. She was very stand offish and didn't even invite me to sit down for a more private conversation. She proceeded to belittle me by saying my questions were simple and could be answered easily by going online. (As if I haven't tried that....) sigh... whatever happened to good ol' fashioned customer service...

  • en

    Patricia Maiello


    This review is more for the business in general than for this location. Customer service is subpar and can actually be rude and inflexible, especially considering the number of accounts my family has with them. Ive found this to be the case numerous times. I will be looking into changing banks very soon.

nächste Bank

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