A&W Restaurant w Beaverton

Stany ZjednoczoneA&W Restaurant



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10190, Southwest Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, 97005, Beaverton, Washington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 503-643-7537
strona internetowej: www.awrestaurants.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4863253, Longitude: -122.7821456

komentarze 5

  • Jeremy Sarao

    Jeremy Sarao


    Stopped in for my annual Super Bowl KFC chicken fix. Staff was super helpful and quick! The place looks great inside after the remodel.

  • Jon Kramer-Morales

    Jon Kramer-Morales


    It's a fast food joint, you should know what to expect. The service here is good. Employees know how to slip a joke into their interactions. Cheese curds are always fresh. Plus you can't beat a combo KFC and A&W.

  • Will Woodward II

    Will Woodward II


    I'm not real sure but every time I order the chili cheese dog it always seems to be hours old. It has a hard exterior and a gray color on the interior is this safe to eat? Aside from that all of the other food is delicious and I love the root beer freeze so glad we finally got the machine fixed!!

  • Kimberly Vollmer

    Kimberly Vollmer


    Their fast with your food. It's always been fresh, hot and great tasting. Wide variety of different types of chicken. Sandwiches, nuggets and strips there sides are great as well. One of the best tasting Milkshakes I've had in years. And last but not least there root bear floats are by far the best around!!!

  • Shonea Garrett

    Shonea Garrett


    It's a combined KFC and A&W. But every time my family goes there , they are "out" of so much stuff and also our orders are always wrong. Last time I got shorted 3 side dishes and a few things were wrong. That was after having to go back through the drive thru for a 2nd time. * cuz over half my order was missing. I wasn't about to go through a 3rd time , so I just gave up and came home. They use to be such a great place to go : don't know what's happened to it. Always check your order .

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