Starbucks w Beaverton

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

11405, Southwest Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, 97005, Beaverton, Washington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 503-626-6549
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4877514, Longitude: -122.7949357

komentarze 5

  • Cassandra Knipe

    Cassandra Knipe


    They are okay just prices are high, and the staff is usually nice. The store is well cleaned and ready for more customers, restroom is not available.

  • Alam Mohammed

    Alam Mohammed


    OMG. What a great team I got to meet. Dalton, Vee and Brad such a wonderful crew, Pleasant, Professional and friendly. I regret not to visit this particular location, if I have a choice I will given them 10 ➕️ on excellent customer service. Thanks to them and the management for having such a great team. I will be visiting this location now on more often. 👍🏆🥇🙂🙂🙂

  • Lazydaze4256 Andree

    Lazydaze4256 Andree


    Delicious drink, nice spacious Cafe. It was a good atmosphere there was absolutely no line and I didn't see any homeless people at the time when I visited.

  • Lavender Clouds

    Lavender Clouds


    Giving it three stars because there were homeless right outside sleeping with their blankets scattered on the ground, not a pleasant sight. Homeless is the only con but other than that it’s overall good n well! After I made this review one of the employee told the homeless to leave and they did.

  • Omar Habib

    Omar Habib


    Nice location but surprised it was filled with homeless people inside and outside, at least 4 table in the inside were occupied with homeless people with their stuff. And 3 tables on the outside with the same thing

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