Audubon Aquarium of the Americas i New Orleans

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAudubon Aquarium of the Americas



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1, Canal Street, 70130, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 504-565-3033
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Latitude: 29.950508, Longitude: -90.0629387

kommentar 5

  • de



    Die Vielfalt der seewelt. Klasse

  • de

    Christine Scholz


    Das muß man erleben, man kann es nicht beschreiben.

  • en

    Patricia Hill


    Came here with the kids and I had a great time. They enjoyed the aquarium so much. The place was EXTREMELY family friendly. It added some GREAT family memories to our new orleans trip. The staff was helpful and very knowledgeable. They were filled with tons of "fun facts" We are already talking about coming back!

  • Jordan Revon

    Jordan Revon


    Over the years, this place has changed very little. That isn't a bad thing, though! It really is a nice aquarium, even if it is a little short. The layout is well done, and I enjoy seeing the subtle changes over the years. The large viewing tank is always a crowd favorite, but the otters and penguins are a personal favorite. Easy to spend 2-3 hours without batting an eye, too. P.S. this Audubon facility, like the Zoo, is sensory inclusive. The front desk can offer a bag that includes headphones, fidget toys, and staff trained to respond to those with sensory processing needs. Good on y'all, Audubon!

  • Jens Meske

    Jens Meske


    Ich fande das Aquarium eigentlich ganz gut, nebenan wurde dann noch ein 3D Film gezeigt

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