Corduroy i Las Vegas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCorduroy



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515, Fremont Street, 89101, Las Vegas, Clark County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 702-553-2548
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Latitude: 36.1687283, Longitude: -115.1402209

kommentar 5

  • Steve Dugan

    Steve Dugan


    Best dive bar Downtown . forget about it.. Strong drinks.. friendly bartenders and good music. Reminds me of the the Frolic Room in Hollywood.

  • Danger Watson

    Danger Watson


    We heard about the new bar on Fremont East, and we tried it out. My girl likes mules, and they have them on tap, so she got one. I got a Genesee Draft. Both were served in plastic cups. Total was $17.... $20 after tip is what I would expect to pay on the strip or at a mixology bar for two handcrafted cocktails. The beer was fine. The mule was not very good. It had an overpowering ginger flavor. The location is great. The atmosphere was good. The music was alright. But with those prices, I don't think I'll be back. There's not anything that sets the bar apart or makes it stand out.

  • Brianna Bunny

    Brianna Bunny


    First bar for my 21st birthday! Awesome and friendly bartenders!

  • John Tatone

    John Tatone


    Thursday night, this place was a gem. Great balance of fantastic cocktails and cheap domestics. Decor makes it feel one-of-a-kind. Excellent attention to detail. Fun spot. 10/10 will get drunk here again.

  • Justin W

    Justin W


    Cool new bar, they took care of us well on a busy Halloween night, maybe too well. My wife lost her wallet and phone, then the next day, Alex our bartender tracks me down via Facebook so I can pick everything up. They treated me to a shot of ginger juice and returned everything, cash included. I don't drink much but I'll come back now for sure.

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