Anaheim Desert Inn and Suites i Anaheim

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Forenede StaterAnaheim Desert Inn and Suites


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1600, South Harbor Boulevard, 92802, Anaheim, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 714-772-5050
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8087802, Longitude: -117.9140904

kommentar 5

  • en

    Danyelle E.L.


    Very reasonably priced hotel directly across the street from Disneyland. So glad i discovered it. We stay here every trip now. Not a 5 star hotel but a clean place to sleep. Refrigerator, microwave and free continental breakfast. What more do you need?

  • joe lach

    joe lach


    We have stayed here twice now. This hotel is very nice having suites and family suites which are great for our family of 4. The kids have their own room with their own TV giving us more space than a hotel room. The staff is friendly and I like that they will check you in hours before your room is ready, so you know there won't be any problems when you come back from Disneyland to get your room keys. The hotel is directly across the street from the Disneyland entrance. The walk across the street and into the park is shorter and less of a headache than parking in the Disney parking lot and waiting for trams to drive you to the entrance. The free breakfast is self serve. Pastries, toast your own bread, cereal, coffee, juice, etc. Fairly simple but not bad and enough to fill you up before going to the park. This hotel is our favorite as we cannot afford to stay in the park. We will be coming back here.

  • en

    Rosa Allison-morton


    great location. great place. I didn't give it a 4 because the pull out mattress was horrible along with the under the sink.. the pipes where not fitted correctly so much 6 month old hit it and water leaked out. yet for the price it was great . my family paid under 170 for a family of 6! I do also wish the had a better pool. it's a inside pool... in California.... really.... that needs to change

  • matt jenson

    matt jenson


    Very family friendly. Breakfast could be better. Parking is by valet when the lot is full, they are very quick to get your car. Pool was cold and a little smaller than we expected. Incredibly convenient for going to Disneyland. We would stay there again.

  • Nadine Lobel

    Nadine Lobel


    This is really a nice hotel option for a family Disney Vacation. Even though we didn’t stay here my husband and I did some recon while driving around to check out some of the other hotels in preparation of our next Disney family vacation. The rooms were all very clean and modern and I know that the kids will love the pool that’s tucked away behind the building and feels very private.   The front desk attendant was very friendly and was more than willing to answer any questions we had about the property. Assuming we can get a good deal on it we will likely be staying here next year when we visit again!

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