Ambassador Hotel Wichita, Autograph Collection i Wichita

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Forenede StaterAmbassador Hotel Wichita, Autograph Collection



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104, South Broadway Avenue, 67202, Wichita, Sedgwick County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 316-239-7100
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.685708, Longitude: -97.335339

kommentar 5

  • Amber Smith

    Amber Smith


    The only thing I didn't like was the complementary coffee. There room was perfect and the view was amazing. I would love to stay here again

  • Jacquie W

    Jacquie W


    Beautiful hotel. My room was very comfy. There is a "chiller" for a mini bar, but it's really not cold enough to keep food from spoiling. Just use it to chill drinks a bit. I didn't leave my room, but I saw on "Around Me" app that there were lots of highly rated restaurants nearby.

  • en

    Rahul Mane


    Amazing hotel. Great service, rooms are super clean and nicely kept and the breakfast is superb 👍👍 I am a Marriott Platinum member so the upgraded me to the 14th floor executive suite. The room was awesome and had great view of the entire city. Loved the stay and will be staying here next time too.

  • Cody VanDeest

    Cody VanDeest


    I stayed for the fire calendar competition, the rooms are big and roomy. All rooms also have a mini bar but the hotel has a nice restaurant on the first floor. Staff members were also great and friendly.

  • Justin Seward

    Justin Seward


    Ambassador is a very nice hotel. We were there for an event in the"hidden" speakeasy bar. We were in what used to be a vault. There drinks were excellent and food great as well. It has great atmosphere. Dimly lit and relaxing. Felt like a step back in time. The parking garage is small with tight turns but that's my only complaint. Definitely worth a visit!

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