Aesthetic Dentistry of Rockland County in Pearl River

Vereinigte StaatenAesthetic Dentistry of Rockland County


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169, North Middletown Road, 10965, Pearl River, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 845-735-7500
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Latitude: 41.0657062, Longitude: -74.0129522

kommentare 2

  • en

    J Columbus


    Dr. Meskin gets 6 stars from me ! I am a relatively new patient of Dr.Meskin (only a few months) and I actually go to his other office in Pearl River, even though I have been to the Ridgefeld Park office one time for a procedure. When I first came in I needed a lot of work done. Dr. Meskin made me feel comfortable and welcome from the first visit. He always spends the time to answer all my questions and explains everything he is going to do. I have never had any pain or problems with anything he has done to my mouth. Everyone that works in his office is very professional and nice. I would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Meskin to everyone. He has been extremely helpful and has done a great job on my teeth!

  • en

    Anthony Pantliano


    I've been going here for a bit over year for quarterly cleanings and I love the hygienist, however, Dr. Eugene Sheen leaves a lot to be desired. He is very curt and rushed and does not explain anything. He also suggested procedures and items that I did not need according to my new dentist. Ultimately, I decided to find a new dentist, which is a shame since this one is so convenient to my home.

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