Advance Auto Parts w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneAdvance Auto Parts



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6401, McCart Avenue, 76133, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-292-3377
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6522078, Longitude: -97.3644516

komentarze 5

  • en

    Angel Stevenson


    Employees very educated and efficient, shop online to pick up in store you normally save lots of money that way and you can pick up the same day

  • en

    Eddie Garcia


    Good place to get get parts at a reasonable price and get advice on how to fix your car

  • Clay Jennings

    Clay Jennings


    This team saved my day! A car part hard to find and they were able to order it in the same day-less than 4hrs! On top of it they provided highly valued tips. Thank you!

  • TexasSizedHeart



    Apparently it's your responsibility as the customer to open the box and know that the part is the right one or you may get stuck with it. Took two hours to get the refund after calling customer service and feeling exhausted and mistreated.

  • en

    david downey


    Bought a bad refurb alternator. Returned it 5 days later with box and receipt. They implied I was scamming them with a part from a different store, b/c the part didn't match the barcode of the box. I empathized but contested I was returning the product that was sold. Manager said there was nothing he could do, and I'd have to call online customer service b/c it was an online order. I did. The manager decided to replace my part like he was doing me a huge favor on the condition that I take in store credit for the 35$ core charge. I didn't really have a choice, so I accepted. At the time, It felt relieved. But after reflection, the sum of the experience was a bad alternator = breakdown on i20 + 1.5 hour store visit + extortion to get what I paid for a week prior. Compare that to the free tow and diagnostic Pep Boys gave me to discover the bad refurb alternator. I think I'm done with AA.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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