Aceltis Financial Group w Bloomfield

Stany ZjednoczoneAceltis Financial Group



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16, Orange Street, 07003, Bloomfield, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-638-2466
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8199152, Longitude: -74.2103076

komentarze 5

  • Lisala Beatty

    Lisala Beatty


    I highly recommend Aceltis! They were fabulous to work with and very helpful when it counted most! Chris was really dedicated and the team was always responsive.

  • Karen Slater

    Karen Slater


    Just closed on my home and it was such a wonderful pleasure to work with Chris! He was heaven sent and my peace throughout my home buying process. He always respond to my emails, texts and phone calls immediately! He was honest, straight forward and played so many different roles to help me get through this. I would recommend him a million times! Thank you so much Chris!

  • en

    Jenn Ramsarran


    I had a really great experience working with Chris and Bill. Buying a home for the first time was really stressful, there's so many terms to remember and so many steps to complete. They helped to keep me organize the whole way through. They were also able to lock in a much better rate than the estimate Chase bank was giving me. I truly appreciate all of their hard work and will definitely choose them first if I'm ever in the market to invest in another property.

  • Amber Newsome

    Amber Newsome


    Chris Amodeo was wonderful to me and my family! He truly looked out for our best interest when getting our home loan. When I had questions about comparing interest rates with other lenders, He and his partner Bill were more than willing to explain my options. In the end Chris was able to lock in a great rate of 3.75%! We couldn't be happier! The customer service was top notch. Thank youAceltis Financial Group, and thank you Chris!

  • Victoria Million

    Victoria Million


    If I could give this company a million stars I would. Chris is the reason why I own my home. There were so many factors in purchasing my short sale home and after being denied at the last second with my credit union, who had my documents for 4 months, I was referred by my realtor to contact Chris. Everything started to run smoothly, on the mortgage side, after my first conversation with him. Time was of the essence in my deal and I have no idea how he did it, but he was even able to secure a rate that was almost a whole point lower than what we originally started with. He was diligent, answered all my emails/calls in a timely manner and was just a pleasure speaking to over the phone. If you're not sure about choosing this company after reading this review then good luck! I know I couldn't have gotten better service elsewhere.

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