AC Power Yoga i San Antonio

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Forenede StaterAC Power Yoga



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3609, Broadway Street, 78209, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 210-296-7718
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Latitude: 29.45948, Longitude: -98.468107

kommentar 5

  • GG Brown

    GG Brown


    Finished my second class here this morning - a power session taught by Joey. Just as awesome as the first one I took with Amanda last Sunday. I hadn't practiced in 6 months after health issues/moving to SA/leaving a yoga community I loved (Austin area), so I was a bit worried. Turns out I didn't need to be. I now know my practice will come back to me with their expert guidance and positive energy. Namaste, y'all. Home sweet yoga home.

  • Raquel De La Rosa

    Raquel De La Rosa


    Great Place. The instructor helps modify each pose to your comfort. Everyone is welcoming & atmosphere is awesome

  • Mary Choplin

    Mary Choplin


    This place is my go-to for yoga. I enjoy the challenges of my body, mind and breath each time I step on the mat. I feel like I know what to expect each time I show up for class but at the same time I don't, each class is uniquely different and always a challenging aspect brought to the mat. I enjoy and respect immensely each instructor that I have had the honor of practicing with at AC power yoga. If you are looking for a bit of challenge, a place to take your asana a step further and to me most importantly a place to get to know yourself a little better each time you step on the mat and to have an awakening, an "Ahhh" moment, a place where you feel comfortable and safe, a place to explore. Thank you for a open space and welcoming hearts! ♥

  • en

    Simone Booker


    AC power yoga is amazing! The instructors are warm, non-judgmental, knowledgeable, and accommodating for all fitness levels. They keep the rooms really hot so you'll definitely break a sweat and get a really good work out. I would highly recommend AC power yoga to anyone looking for a yoga studio.

  • Ashley Drake

    Ashley Drake


    I was so fortunate to find this amazing yoga studio so close to my apartment. I was a member for about a year before I sadly moved out of state. Amanda, Joey, and all of the other instructors are not only brilliant teachers but also compassionate individuals with a deep knowledge of body mechanics. This is also the only studio in SA that currently offers Bowspring yoga, a dynamic system that has permanently changed and enhanced my yoga practice. I can't recommend this studio enough!

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