A Discount Furniture en Las Vegas

Estados UnidosA Discount Furniture



🕗 horarios

5220, South Pecos Road, 89120, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
contactos teléfono: +1 702-305-1373
sitio web: www.adiscountfurniture.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.0948732, Longitude: -115.1005682

comentarios 5

  • es

    Ana Bahena


    Me encanta el servicio, los precios son muy accesibles y hay bastante variedad de muebles. Buscan el ayudarte para estar cómodos con los pagos y la atención muy buena.

  • en

    Meagan Dahlby


    If I could give NO stars I would! Bought a “leather” couch set. Literally starting falling apart within 5 months. Drawers were literally staples together. If something spills on the “leather” it sinks into the couch. The backs of the couch BREAK. Made of thin ply wood. Pieces of garbage. Be careful what you buy.

  • en

    Therea Williams


    Nice furniture they just need to make sure what you order is what you get I been going back and forward for 2 weeks they still.havent got t right smh n that only for 2 queen beds go figure

  • Alan LaRage

    Alan LaRage


    Has a lot of affordable and quality furnitue. Was surprised with the prices not being so high. They work with you to finance and staff was very nice




    I have had nothing but trouble with this warranty and company. I have an Ottoman and sectional from here. The Ottoman is still under the year manufacturing warranty and is defective, as the frame broke in. The store said they would do me the "favor" of shipping it back to California to get it replaced... But I'm responsible for getting it back to and from the store. The manger, I suppose, also said if I cannot do that, then they can charge $50 delivery fee to pick it up and give a slight discount to have it re-delivered. This customer service is insulting and I will be contacting upper management.

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