Zozi's Loft w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneZozi's Loft



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249, 9th Street, 94103, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 415-556-9694
strona internetowej: www.zozisloft.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.7745085, Longitude: -122.4122247

komentarze 5

  • en

    L. Louie


  • Eleanor Preston

    Eleanor Preston


    great experience here. walked in at 5pm, told the sales guy (not Richard) that I needed a couch ASAP, what I was looking for, and he basically said said "you can take any of these couches you see today. OR I can customize one for you and have it to you in 1 week". So impressed with the service - not pushy, just wanted to help me find what I wanted. I looked around and found a great couch, so I bight it (~$890) and then he called the delivery guys to see if they could deliver that night. Which they did!!! I love the sofa I picked out. It legit looks like it's from west elm. but it was $700-$1,000 LESS for this one. ALSO: the cushion covers are removable for washing. I just love it so much! so glad these google reviews guided me to this place. wanted to leave another 5 star review to hopefully lead others here as well :)

  • David Imel

    David Imel


    Richard is one of most fantastic people I've ever met. He's not a salesman, he really just wants to make your house look great. The furniture he has in his store is amazing in both look and feel, and all the prices are extremely affordable.

  • David Johansson

    David Johansson


    Great people and real people. No sneaky sales pitch just true intent to find us what we wanted. Highly recommended

  • Ekaterina Stanton

    Ekaterina Stanton


    We stopped by Zozi's by serendipity while looking for another furniture store and after shopping for about a month in Z Gallery, Bo's Concept and a bunch of places in SOMA. It does not like much from the outside and it does not have Bo's Concept ambience BUT their sofas are as good (and perhaps even better) than any of the aforementioned stores for at least half the price. We were pleasantly surprised to discover that you don't have to pay $5k+ for a sectional. The staff is super friendly, accommodated us with the pricing and took care of us through the delivery date. There was a slight delay with the delivery (it was Christmas Eve and the sectional did not fit in the door, plus it was raining, etc.) and the delivery company wanted to charge us extra when delivering the sofa on the 26th but Zozi's honored the initial quoted price. And the sofa looks awesome (a beautiful sectional with a queen sleeper for $2.3k!). We will order more. My advice: look no further, these guys are the best.

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