Заказник Бэар Хилл i Pine Bush

Forenede StaterЗаказник Бэар Хилл


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Pine Bush, NY 12566, США
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 41.6717736, Longitude: -74.3922055

kommentar 5

  • en

    Damon Travis


    Very scenic place. Overlooks the whole area Pretty amazing view.

  • Baby Momma

    Baby Momma


    Nice view. If you ever have to come to this town, check it out. If you don't HAVE to come to this town, stay away! It's awful!

  • Gina



    Beautiful scenic views! The trails are easy to walk. Somewhat rocky, but not difficult. There are NO restrooms except for Mother Nature's wilderness. I stumbled upon this place when I found out that Sam's Point Preserve was closed because of full capacity. Personally,I feel that the views here are way better! Parking is free - $5.00 Entrance

  • en

    Terri Esposito


    Very nice cliffs, easy hike. Just a cool place

  • en

    Shane Budd


    This has some of the mist beautiful views in the Hudson Valley. The Shawangunk Mountains are an amazing feature to see. The white rocks among the blue sky is something from heaven. Walk the trail and see for yourself!!

nærmeste Parkere

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