Zaffos Jeffrey DDS w Westbury

Stany ZjednoczoneZaffos Jeffrey DDS



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214, Fulton Street, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-334-3444
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7563041, Longitude: -73.5891199

komentarze 5

  • Fast7 Family

    Fast7 Family


    I saw my insurance dentist unfortunately wasn’t happy with the treatment and the information given to me. I then booked an appointment for a second opinion and from the minute you walk into the office you can feel such a friendly atmosphere. For some one who’s scare of dentist Dr. Mishel E. And his assistance made sure I was comfortable explain every step and waited on my GO!! To start the procedure... WHAT AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE AT DR.JEFFREY Z. OFFICE

  • en

    Donald Horne


    This is a very professional office, Dr. Zaffos and his staff are very courteous , friendly and very helpful, the office is also very clean and Hi- Tech. I would highly recommend this office for all of your dental work.

  • en

    Gary Pettinato


    To start, I have to let you know that I have a phobia to dentists. Drs. Zaffos and Mishel were wonderful about keeping me calm. When I requested a break, it was never a problem. They are fast and efficient and very importantly, to me, they honor their appointments. Most times there is little or no waiting. One time I waited 15 minutes when they fitted me in on an emergency. The assistants are very personable Debbie, Ellie and Anne Marie are always willing to help in every way. I would highly recommend this office to anyone.

  • en

    Doug Reed


    Believe every review you read about this great office! Dr. Zaffos, Dr. Mishel, Debbie, Ann Marie, and the entire staff of hygienists and the front office crew are the professional standard to which every office should aspire. Not only is the treatment and technology state of the art, but the service matches it every step of the way. Every step of your treatment is explained, the billing and costs are open, up front, and fair, and the whole staff is as genuine and caring as you'll ever find. I can't recommend Dr. Z and his crew enough!

  • en

    A B


    I have been seeing Dr. Zaffos since 2003! He and his staff are the best! I have never had a complaint. Great office, parking, bedside manner, fantastic customer service, accommodating...I have recently seen their new addition, Dr. Michel. Love him, patient and also has a terrific bedside manner! Love them all! My whole family visits this terrific professional environment.

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