ZA'ATAR Mediterranean Restaurant w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneZA'ATAR Mediterranean Restaurant



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2310, North Country Club Road, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-323-4074
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.249759, Longitude: -110.9267379

komentarze 5

  • Deidra Leigh Jinxy

    Deidra Leigh Jinxy


    I really loved my meal here. I got the tzatziki starter and it was heavenly. Their pita is best, fluffy, big and fresh. I also got the falafel sandwich and it was delicious. Their recipe for the falafel is best I’ve had in Tucson. The portions are generous. I had a lovely rosemary lemonade and took a date bread to go. I was incredibly pleased by the food and will continue to order from here.

  • Margaret Blumberg

    Margaret Blumberg


    Thanks, we enjoyed our chicken schwarma. Wanted beef, but they said it would take 20 minutes. Should do something about the timing. Not many can spend that long at lunch.

  • en

    Peggy Langert


    Portions were generous but the chicken Sharma was dry, as if it had been prepared earlier and just re-heated. The mint tea was so strong, it was bitter and we had to add water to be able to drink it. The service could have been better, many interruptions while waiting on us. The garlic sauce was outstanding!

  • Emma McClendon

    Emma McClendon


    I love the food here!! But there is only one waitress with no busser (at least not the night I went) or host to work the phone. She was doing the best she could though. Our appetizers came out with our dinner. And we waited a long time to get our food. She kept running around the whole time, and it made me feel bad to ask for a refill. I wish they would hire more help so that customers could have a better dinning experience.

  • Sco 92

    Sco 92


    I used to be a regular customer, but I’m definitely not going back to this restaurant. We called to order in advance so the food is ready by the we get, they said the food will be ready within 30 minutes. We got there and we waited for another 30 minutes and no one actually came to our table. The lady serviced every other table except our table, also no buddy came and said anything about our food being late. I’m never eating at this place again, not a good service.

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