Z Gallerie w Miami

Stany ZjednoczoneZ Gallerie



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5701, Sunset Drive, 33143, Miami, Miami-Dade County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 305-667-4877
strona internetowej: www.zgallerie.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.7046657, Longitude: -80.2866937

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ery Magana


    Customer service is terrible at sunset place . Now i prefer to buy online . One of The girls who works there was more focus on leaving than helping me . This is not the first time i have received terrible service there .

  • Aylara



    I found out about this store just recently and I absolutely love it, it’s very big, beautiful and I found a lot of nice stuff for my house. I purchased one of the wall arts with sparkles, it’s very good quality and beautiful. I also bought a lot of little decorative stuff like photo frames, clock, place mats and colored crystals and happy with everything. I didn’t like their furniture, the quality did seem good. Their prices are very affordable compare to other stores like this and they have a big choice. I gave them 4 stars because online returns are too long, I think I waited for 4 weeks before I received it.

  • en

    Sergio Maldonado


    Excellent place to decorate your home season after season with a fair price, staff was great and very helpful. My wife really enjoys this place where she can shop anytime for our home or special events gifts. You have to visit one of their local galleries

  • en

    Terry Reveles


    What a fabulous store from time to time I so enjoy shopping in here even if it is just to look around. This location is very nice, good size with so many beautiful items for the home.

  • en

    Yauska Jarquin-Fernandez


    I don't have a problem with the store itself (location) everyone is very helpful. However their customer service is not. I purchased two costume made sofas, which I tried in the store and they were very comfortable so I figured mine would be the same, it took them months to deliver and they are not comfortable at all, I can feel the frame when I sit on them, they get wrinkle easily I am very unhappy with the quality of their furniture. For the price I paid I could've gotten something 100% better elsewhere. Customer service is not willing to exchange anything and if I want to return them they charge 50% restocking fee. RIDICULOUS

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