YWCA Minneapolis Midtown w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneYWCA Minneapolis Midtown



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2121, East Lake Street, 55407, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 612-215-4333
strona internetowej: www.ywcampls.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.9477676, Longitude: -93.2417468

komentarze 5

  • Fatima Omer

    Fatima Omer


    I have been a member on and off for the past 10 years. I love almost all of their group classes & schedule options. I love knowing that no matter my work schedule, there will be a class I can take. What I dislike very much is the kids--I'm SORRY! but there are too many kids running around without parental supervision. Every time I canceled my membership it was due to this. I have complained many times to staff to require parents to be near their children especially in the weight rooms!!

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    Peter Gens


    Great staff especially at kids care, nice facilities and pool.

  • Amanda Schibline

    Amanda Schibline


    Even though I have definitely encountered minor annoyances through my three years of membership, I still am very pleased with my overall experience. Yes, parking is a huge source of time and stress, especially during the New Years Resolution “season” and there was a chunk of time where they were adding wayyyy too may paid programs that took up too much facility space, but that seems to be improving. I really enjoy the group exercise classes, and the facilities in general. I participate in the Women’s Triathlon every year, and it shows the YWCA mission the best.

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    Cha Fang


    Got to say, i go to the gym for a reason. Everytime i go in, i get greet by nicely. Tonight, this african lady is just rude (it actually the second i saw her) no greeting, just a 'your a member' like seriously lady. If im not a member, would i be here tonight. Really dont know why she is still there. She totally forgot her manner as a employee. Everybody deserve the same respect.

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    Sarah Taylor


    Almost everything about this facility is great. The very large building has everything you could ask for in a fitness club: multiple pools, locker rooms, a track, a large and impressive fitness floor with a great variety and number of workout machines and free weights. (And they just updated all their machines in September 2017 so everything is very new and up to date.) Members are offered a large variety of classes, many of them included in the membership fee. There is child care. All the staff I personally have dealt with are friendly, polite, and knowledgeable. The building is clean and well maintained. The only complaint I have is the parking. The placards you have to use are very inconvenient (stickers would be far better!) and most of the time, half the cars in the lot don’t even have them, and yet there never seem to be any consequences for that. Normally that doesn’t matter much, since the parking lot is fairly large. On days when the farmer’s market is open across the street or there is an event nearby, however, the parking lot is jammed full of cars not authorized to park there, making it impossible for members to park there and use the facility. YOU NEED TO ENFORCE THE PARKING RULES AND ACTUALLY TICKET AND/OR TOW PEOPLE WITHOUT PLACARDS. It’s bad enough that I if I know there will be an event nearby, I just avoid it entirely—what’s the point of driving over there only to find there are absolutely no parking spaces available for members? So, in summary, this is a great fitness facility with horrible parking. I’ve been a member since 2005, so obviously the parking issue has not driven me away.

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