Young Alarm w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneYoung Alarm



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2432, East Grant Road, 85719, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-322-5387
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2500622, Longitude: -110.9359253

komentarze 5

  • Maxo Investigations Staff Travel Box

    Maxo Investigations Staff Travel Box


    The very best! Just a warning to anyone that buys the cheap alarm company services offered on TV with toll free contact #'s, those people are not local, may not even be in AZ so if an alarm goes of, they call police who receive hundreds of false or accidental alarms daily and as such your alarm cant be placed as the highest priority of need. Young Alarm is right In the heart of Tucson, they send one of their people over to respond in a real alarm siuation as well as contact Law Enforcement. I won't trust our business to anyone else!

  • en

    Tomas Fierro


    Rudest most disrespectful company I have ever talked to. The gentleman who answered the phone was very nice, but when he transferred the phone to another person to answer my This person who I think was the owner, was condescending, rude, wouldn't let me talk and just a all around jerk. He would tell me I was wrong, basically telling me i didn't know what I was talking about. I was trying to find a local alarm company that I could refer my customers to. Now I will tell all my customers what company not to use. Such a sad representation of a local Tucson company. I would expect this kind of crappy attitude from a national company.

  • Matt Basiliere

    Matt Basiliere


    Super friendly service and quick response

  • Brandon Liu

    Brandon Liu


    Nice local alarm service and monitoring company, recommend it.

  • Chattel Calderon

    Chattel Calderon


    I work for Allstate Insurance and I deal with many Alarm Companies on behalf of my insureds. An Alarm Discount is available on our Homeowner Policy that we offer through Allstate but in order to maintain the discount we frequently need a certificate of an alarm system. I called Young Alarm and received immediate help and the gentleman I spoke to was very nice. I have had many bad experiences when dealing with competitors such as ADT not complying with requests that it is so refreshing to see a company that is on the ball. Thank you Young Alarm!!

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