Yolees Beauty Salon en New York

Estados UnidosYolees Beauty Salon



🕗 horarios

1217, Nostrand Avenue, 11225, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-773-1738
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6575084, Longitude: -73.9501599

comentarios 5

  • Ręd Rosés

    Ręd Rosés


    Avoid this place do not come here!!

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    Icyline Brown


    Great beauty salon to have your hair done for that special occasion.

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    C P


    Such a horrible job and they overcharged me $45.00. First they tried to detangle my hair with a rat-tail comb which is not how you detangle natural hair, she practically ripped my hair out. She didn't have any products geared towards my hair type and she kept saying "your hair is too hard." I went back the very next day to get my money back and Nicole practically insulted me and said "you used my water to wash your filthy hair, we did what you asked. I'm sorry you can't get your money back" It was horrible experience. I don't suggest anyone with non-permed hair to go this unprofessional salon.

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    Gerlene Toussaint


    Love this place. They flat ironed my thick 4b hair and it was the straightest it's every been!

  • Zakiya Gulston

    Zakiya Gulston


    I absolutely love this place! The products they use are amazing, the service and attention to detail is top notch. Ms. Nicole was in the salon for 12 hours and I was her last customer but she still gave me the same top notch service. She really cares about my hair and explains what products she uses and the process. I've never had this type of experience at any other salon in my life.

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