Yoga & Pilates with Meg (Ground Your Soul) w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneYoga & Pilates with Meg (Ground Your Soul)



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157, Clawson Street, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 917-836-4390
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.575412, Longitude: -74.1082359

komentarze 5

  • en

    Edwin Soyfer


    Best. Yoga. Studio. Meg is absolutely fantastic to work with. As a beginner to Yoga, I could not have imagined a better way to get introduced to it than to have Meg as my instructor. She goes above and beyond making sure my form is correct and even takes it a step further by custom-tailoring my Yoga routine around my problem areas. I originally came into Yoga looking to relieve pain in my back and increase my overall flexibility, but now it’s helped me have a better outlook on life and deal with everyday stress much easier thanks to Meg’s unique and spiritual approach.

  • en

    Giuseppa Giglia


    I am so happy to have found this yoga studio. I have found inner strength and peace ever since starting here more than six months ago. Yoga has given me the ability to slim down where traditional methods had begun to fail me. The small class size makes it possible to focus on my practice and get the most out of every class. I highly recommend Ground Your Soul Yoga.

  • en

    Carol Guddahl


    One word for Meg AWESOME!! Her classes are so wonderful. The atmosphere of her studio is so inviting and calming. She is a great instructor!! and wheater your a yoga or Pilate lover I will assure you she and her teaching become 100% addicting. So happy to have found her. She is my inspiration!!!

  • Nicole Trapani

    Nicole Trapani


    I’ve been practicing with Meg for about 3 say I need this in my life would be an understatement! Meg has been a soul factor in the changes my body and mind have endured. She listens, she watches, and she reacts. The 1:1 guidance she provides, even in her larger class settings, really makes you feel confident and motivated about yourself and your practice. Everything from her tone of delivery while instructing, to her music choice, to her sometimes comedic lines help you push through that much more to make the changes you want to see. You have to try it to believe me!! 🙏🏼

  • en

    lisa lieberman


    This is my happy place! Great studio, it is very peaceful and relaxing. I love starting my day or ending it here. Meg is an amazing teacher. I knew my body and mind would transform once I starting practicing with her. She knows my weaknesses and tackles them in every class, wether it’s Yoga or Pilates I always leave feeling amazing and stronger. All the women that practice here are super friendly and fun to work out with. I highly recommend to Ground Your Soul here!

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