YJ's Snack Bar i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterYJ's Snack Bar



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128, West 18 Street, 64108, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-472-5533
internet side: yjs-snackbar.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.0919994, Longitude: -94.5857364

kommentar 5

  • John Briscoe

    John Briscoe


    Unbelievably good. A bit of a seedy atmosphere. They stick to minimum items on the menu and do an excellent job! Great coffee too.

  • Gerri Campos

    Gerri Campos


    I have loved every visit I’ve had here. The food is delicious and special. The ambiance brings a smile to the face of anyone who can appreciate the quirkiness and joy that is the random collection of artifacts and tributes to KC Jazz culture and history. I proudly brought my 7-yr old here for dinner. She loved it!

  • Jim Jursch

    Jim Jursch


    The food is always plentiful and very flavorful. They use a unique mixture of things to create unusual and very tasty dishes. Had the pork fajita today,was fantastic. Imagine all the ingredients tasting so good that you neither need or want to put salsa on it. That's what this was like.

  • en

    Harrison Smith


    Well below average food, cancerous atmosphere. When the first thing you see is a framed portrait of Abraham Lincoln dressed as a clown with "LOSER" scrawled across the glass, you know what kind of place this is going to be. If you consider yourself a communist or someone who is politically to the left of Fidel Castro I'm sure you will love the decor. Make sure to wear your ear gauges, name brand skinny jeans, and mass executioner Che Guevara t-shirts when you visit this cramped and dirty eatery. At least this restaurant's owner has the freedom to express his/her views, it would be a treat to see them pull this stunt in any country that even remotely governs according to this shop owner's beliefs. If this all sounds positive to you then feel free to give them your money in exchange for some microwaved ravioli, although I'm sure they'd just hand out food for free to a fellow comrade. After all, surely they practice what they preach and follow Marx's belief of "to each according to his need"? But even if they make you pay, cheer up! It's not all bad! After you've been exiled for harboring opposing viewpoints, you can head over next door to Oracle Fine Curiosities home of a practicing witch doctor. How quirky! So hop in your Bernie-mobile, double check your gender fluid, and drive on over to YJ's, I'm sure they'd love to have you.

  • Cory Wright

    Cory Wright


    Good, filling, and inexpensive food. Great locally-roasted coffee. Friendly staff and cozy spaces. What more can you ask for? If you like your eateries squeaky clean and character-free, look elsewhere. If you love a place with soul, look no further. I highly recommend the dirty rice on Tuesdays!

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