Yassein Ibraheim DDS w Paterson

Stany ZjednoczoneYassein Ibraheim DDS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

426, Union Avenue, 07502, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-595-8083
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9213195, Longitude: -74.1848023

komentarze 5

  • Patricia Martinez

    Patricia Martinez


  • Leeky Bandz

    Leeky Bandz


    I have never met a Dentist who made me feel at home and comfortable as he has, I'm not sure what the lady below is talking about him being unprofessional. This is a family man who has helped me and several family members for the last 5 years I drive 1 hour and 20 mins just to see him instead of picking a random spot. Ever6one is entitled to there own opinion, but I personally say you have to met him for yourself to find out the truth. I definitely recommend him to all my family friends and co-workers, I will also bring my children to be seen by him and him only.

  • Jannat Ferdous

    Jannat Ferdous


    He is the worst person i ever seen in my life.Very unprofessional, i took my mother to him , due to her Cancer her theet started to break in little pieces. He refer her for complete denture .But the place he suggested never pick up phone to give appointment therefore i have to take her to specialist on St.Joseph. over there they said his raferal is wrong she never need to do complete denture. I went back to his office to asked him about that he was very rude with me. Keep yelling me why dnt i go in his suggested place....i am thinking he might get make money by sending people in his chosen place..i highly recommend everybody to avoid him...And person like him should not be in this proffesion

  • Brenda Martinez

    Brenda Martinez


  • en

    Howard Kliff


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