Xanadu Haircutters & Beauty Supply en Yonkers

Estados UnidosXanadu Haircutters & Beauty Supply



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2602, Central Park Avenue, 10710, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-779-7200
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9846007, Longitude: -73.8251891

comentarios 5




    Just got home after my appointment at Xanadu Haircutters. I'm always so happy after I go there. I color my hair and always have it cut and styled. The staff is great and know me by name. My hairdresser suggested a new color for me and I'm delighted with it. I have been going there for over 10 years and have never been disappointed.

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    Andrew S


    I can honestly say that Xanadu has consistently given me a high quality haircut at a affordable cost. Staff is friendly and I can basically get any hair care product that I'm looking for since they have a huge selection. If you haven't been there yet, I highly recommend checking it out!!

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    GN Nieves


    After a ten year boycott i decided to give it another try. I had washed and flat ironed my hair before walking in so when the hairdresser said she would do a dry cut I was ok with it since I wanted my hair to sit on my shoulder. I think she was just saving time on her part. I asked her to cut about An inch and a half and to trim the front and bangs. She barely cuts a half inch and I'm telling her that is not enough. , That I want it shoulder length,. She trims again, trims the bangs, holds the mirror and asks is that ok. I knew I wasn't getting anywhere with this fossil . She didn't check her work , I asked if it was straight she said yes. When I checked it at home it was visible crooked. Last bad experience at this place. Walk-ins,. Stay clear. They reserve their worst work (workers) for the walk-in. Walk on by.

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    Nicole Christine


    Very bad service. Went for a full wash of color and it came out patchy and uneven. I will have to get my hair redone elsewhere. Unprofessional and will not be returning.

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    Yvonne Kaufman


    I keep trying to give this place the benefit of the doubt but my family and I hate this place. From bad haorcuts, to having to tell the stylist (who has been there forever) how to do the cut I wanted, to the rude staff, I finally give up. Don't recommend them at all.

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