World Gym w Wantagh

Stany ZjednoczoneWorld Gym



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3728, Park Avenue, 11793, Wantagh, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-882-1314
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.675607, Longitude: -73.495548

komentarze 5

  • en

    Alice Eckstein


    Everything is kept very clean and well maintained. The staff is always cooperative and pleasant to deal with.

  • en

    Paula Blum


    I have been a member of World Gym Wantagh for over 20 year. It was Wayne Merrick's when my family first joined. I feel very comfortable exercising here. Everyone is friendly and helpful, and though I cannot exercise as strenuously as I did years ago, I can still get the health benefits of using the wide assortment of machines, free weights and exercise classes.

  • Joyce Azukas

    Joyce Azukas


    Still my favorite gym in New York. Has everything you need including pool Whirlpool, steam room, sauna, cafe, classes of all kinds, weight room private personal training room, Pilates room, yoga, boxing, physical therapy, massage therapy, and mini salon, acupuncture locker rooms and an amazing staff. This gym will always be home to me even though I live 250 miles away. I will always visit when I'm in town.

  • Ofir Isaac

    Ofir Isaac


    This GYM is all about the customer and it shows! I have worked out as various gyms my whole life and I always realized that It all stems from the leadership .. I was lucky enough to meet with David T the head manager here and he took his time out to meet with me to discuss all of my recommendations. He took me so seriously that in 2 weeks he acted upon them immediately, moving some machienes that I felt would fit better in another location. I love the culture here, the weights are put back and the work out equipment is awesome, and they actually clean the bathroom to a sparkle 5 stars from me

  • en

    Darlene Charalambous


    Overall I'm happy with the gym. Mostly because it is so close to my home. A few things: 1: I always wipe down the equipment I use however the cardio equipment is dripped with sweat marks on the base. 2: the small weight room upstairs: please sweep it every now and then. I'm growing weary of looking at strands of hair on the floor as I stretch 3. Last but NOT least. You need to strictly forbid the dropping of the weight in the big weight room. It's totally disrespectful to all members. Just make a rule and enforce it. It's not hard

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