Workmens Boots & Shoes w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneWorkmens Boots & Shoes



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1835, South Alvernon Way, 85711, Tucson, Pima County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 520-745-4643
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.2006465, Longitude: -110.9088213

komentarze 5

  • en

    Danny Dunham


    This is the best place I have ever shopped for boots. Thank you

  • Jennifer Maher

    Jennifer Maher


    Came in looking for small sized women's steel toe shoes/boots. They had about 5 pair I could try on in a size 6! I found a pair to buy while there, the customer service was very friendly and helpful! I definitely recommend you stop by!

  • Ben Fletcher

    Ben Fletcher


    Not the best place to get work boots, but my company pays for them here only. Their selection is very small and the staff doesn't seem to care.

  • en

    Roger Vanderpool


    Owner runs and works the shoe store. He carries a nice variety of the most popular brands. I bought my first pair there when his father ran the store.

  • en

    Danelle Paye


    This place does not even deserve the 1 star required to write this review came in looking for some shoes for work for my husband and was told that the shoes that we where looking at would be perfect and not slip when worn walking in water that was not the case after 5 mins of wearing them they could not be worn for his work we went back in we where never told about any exchange policy at the time of purchase when we went back in and asked about it telling him that he told us they where slip resistance and they where not and asking what could be done about that instead of being met with a professional manner as any business owner should carry himself he was a completely rude saying things like mop the floor you won't slip going as far as to take take he shoe out of the box and put it on the counter trying to demonstrate that they are slip resistant my husband told him that yes mabey for a unwet surface they don't slip but on a wet floor they do and cannot be worn for his work even though we where told by HIM that they would work *perfect* I proceed to ask what his return policy was and he pointed to a sign above his head saying no returns rather then being rude unprofessional and a liar could he not have stated the moment we waliked in the door that they do not accept returns and he is truly sorry that they did not work out * even though he said they would* And left it at that but no he is a liar a crook a bad business owner just trying to make a sale no matter what he has to say to do it including lie just to get your money knowing that they would not work so read my review and make your own choice on if you want to shop here or not I'm just trying to help someone else out so they do not make the same mistake we did by shopping at this place it is not somewhere you want to spend your money

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