Wooter w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneWooter



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6276 Amboy Rd, 2nd Fl, Staten Island, NY 10309, США
kontakt telefon: +1 347-850-2720
strona internetowej: wooterapparel.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5238567, Longitude: -74.2151066

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nathan Twisk


    Order 101882. Almost at WEEK 8 since our order was placed and paid for, and no one can tell me when they will arrive. Promised to ship May 19 and arrive May 22, then contacted overnight (23rd) that they haven't even left. Account managers quick to do your designs, quicker to take your money then go quiet and leave it to customer service. Made in China with an apparent lack of talk between NY and Production. Avoid these people at all costs.

  • en

    Jack Tryon


    I was referred to Wooter by a local shop in Denver CO for the type of Jerseys I was looking for. I reached and was met with good response at first. I needed 10 Bowling Jerseys by April first. The sales rep stated no problem being I already had the logo I wanted. I placed my order February 24th and was told 16 business days so they will be here in plenty of time. Well we are working on 3 months later and I still do not have my jerseys. I have spent over 200 dollars to buy other shirts for tournaments because my product has yet to arrive. I call or email almost daily and hear the same thing over and over. They are waiting for an update on my shipping info and will send it to me as soon as they get it no matter the time. Well the info never comes or any email until i reach out again. To hear the same thing. I was offered 20% off a month ago which still hasn't been put back in my account. Honestly 20% is not acceptable it has 10 weeks. This is unacceptable and by far the worst business practice I have ever seen. I have another tournament starting this weekend and was told my stuff would be here today. My wife has stayed home all day and nothing has shown up nor have I been given the Tracking info. God only knows if it eve exist. If the owner is aware of how his company is being run and functioning he should probably close the doors because this is horrible. If he doesn't he should review and make immediate changes. It is sad that they treat good customers so bad. People spend more money to get better service. Hope one day before 2018 is over my items show.

  • Alex W

    Alex W


    Want to say how incredible ordering through Wooter and personally dealing with Ralph Iglesias has been. I have dealt with poor experiences with other companies but that was not the case with Wooter. Ralph was incredible with communication and the jerseys they were able to design came out incredible. Ralph responded very quickly to every single email I sent and was very quick to make any little changes we asked to our design. I will definitely continue to only order my jersey through Wooter in the future.

  • en

    Sara Windham


    I would give this company 0 stars if possible. Do not use this company. They may offer a great price but it's pointless to save money on a jersey you won't get until your season is half over or, worse, completely over. While the customer service people have been polite, they gave me non-answers about taking 3-4 weeks or longer - blah blah blah. The promise of 2-4 week delivery on their website is false. I couldn't believe they have a 4 star rating but many of the good reviews are not about apparel orders. Additionally, owner responses to poor reviews lack respect. That says a lot. At any rate, I was forced to use this company as part of a team order but I'm certain we won't be repeat customers.

  • en

    Jake Hottenstine


    Stay away especially if you need your jerseys in a time crunch. I've had nothing but issues. Their website states 2-4 weeks until received from the day of purchase and I still haven't received the jerseys after 4 weeks. There is zero accountability from ANYONE and the are so many layers to the organizational structure - their Sales Team, Sales Mangers, Productions Team, Manufacturers - any simple question or update takes a long time. Any answer or update I did get was an assumption or broad timeline. All I wanted to hear was that I am being taken care of and receive timely updates. I've been told my order was shipped Monday and I asked for a tracking number; it's Thursday and still no tracking number. For a company that orders their jerseys from China I'm surprised they were not prepared for the Chinese New Year this year which is a 7 day vacation taken EVERY year that the company should have been prepared for. I'm extremely worried about what sort of quality I'm going to get as I'm sure their manufacturer is now swamped with orders. I honestly feel horrible for the Sales Rep I worked with because I feel he did all he could do but his hands were tied by, I'm assuming, decisions made well above his head and a lack of communication with their manufacturer/production team. It sure seems like the sales reps can't do their job properly because they are not set up to win. They are there as punching bags when the manufacturer doesn't get orders out in time. This is a great business idea but executed poorly and I will order local next time.

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