Wolyniec Chiropractic Group w Ridgewood

Stany ZjednoczoneWolyniec Chiropractic Group



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286, Lincoln Avenue, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-652-5333
strona internetowej: wolyniecchiropractic.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.974248, Longitude: -74.135131

komentarze 5

  • en

    Laura Cruz


    I’ve been a patient of Wolyniec Chiropractic group -- specifically with Dr. Jacoby -- for well over 10 years. At the beginning, Dr. J. worked to help me overcome very debilitating migraine headaches in a relatively short period of time. He took the time to listen to my symptoms and complaints, do a thorough examination and provide a series of adjustments. Since then, I’ve continued with routine maintenance adjustments every 3 to 4 weeks. When the occasional migraine or SI Joint issue crops up, a visit to Dr. J. gets me functioning again quickly with the appropriate treatment. I’ve found Dr. Jacoby to be the most friendly, knowledgeable, proficient and efficient chiropractor for me. He explains what he is doing and ensures I am comfortable with the treatments. I never felt/feel pressured to entertain more frequent or numerous visits, though he is always available when my hip or head acts up out of the blue. He truly cares about getting me back on my feet. I highly recommend Dr. J. and his chiropractic care for both pain relief and achieving a greater level of health!!

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    Alen E


    My family has been a patient of Dr Jacoby’s for many many years. I became his patient about 4 years ago, I couldn’t move my left arm and every time I moved, my back would be in a lot of pain. After seeing him a few times, my pain went away, I was able to move freely again without pain or medicines! I started to see Dr Jacoby on a reg basis, to me it’s like getting a tune up, getting a reg alignment helps me stay healthy!

  • en

    Kathy Harpster


    I have been a patient of Dr. Jacoby’s for over 16 years. He is extremely knowledgeable, kind and thorough. Not only has his ongoing chiropractic care improved my overall health, but he has helped me tremendously when I have been in pain, providing significant pain relief in less than 24 hours.

  • en

    Scott Boyarsky


    After abandoning Chiropractic care the past few years, I was introduced to Dr. Jacoby and instantly found him to possess a down to earth style which sets him apart from most I have seen. Most importantly he has the skills and experience to address my particular issues and in a very short time helped me improve my function and mobility.

  • en

    John Lidestri


    I've been having chronic back and hip issues for the past 6 months. I tried physical therapy, acupuncture and changed my diet. None of this really helped. I started coming to this office and after a few months of care with Dr. Jacoby, I'm seeing a big difference. The staff is always very helpful and accommodating. I would definitely recommend!!!

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