WOB Lingerie w River Edge

Stany ZjednoczoneWOB Lingerie



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920, Kinderkamack Road, 07661, River Edge, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-265-6116
strona internetowej: woblingerie.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9396531, Longitude: -74.0305063

komentarze 5

  • Alexandra Berger

    Alexandra Berger


    Very upset $100+ bra broke after only a few months - I purchased 2 bras a couple of weeks before my wedding which was October 1st. It has only been a few months later and the underwire on my bra broke while I was out in public. It scraped my skin under my breast and was very upsetting. I decided to call the store and had very unpleasant customer service. I was hoping to receive a new bra or at the slightest a discount since the bra was over $100 but all they could say was that they have no responsibility for the bra once it leaves the store. I've never heard of a company not being behind the products they sell and DO NOT RECOMMEND anyone wasting their time or $ in this store.

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    Ronnie Lazarus


    ALERT TO POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS: BEWARE! I went into WOB in River Edge this morning to buy a few bras. After trying one on, I decided to not buy anything, and they wanted to charge me a $45. Fitting Fee. Although there are 2 signs in the store that indicate this fitting fee, they are poorly displayed and not pointed out to me prior trying anything on. When I tried to leave the store after refusing to pay this fitting fee, one of the owners followed me to my car calling me a thief and a scumbag and took a picture of my license plate and subsequently the same day filed a report against me with the River Edge Police.

  • Barbara Bracco

    Barbara Bracco


    First time I went to this store today. Staff was very pleasant and helpful. I would definitely return.

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    Allyson Feder


    This was the worst experience I have ever had in a store in my LIFE. I drove 30 minutes from where I live to get here. I went into this store looking for a 24 dollar spanx thong. After trying on I notice the tag was double the price of what I saw all over online. I simply asked why and got a NASTY response about how because I asked I now am required to pay a 55 dollar fee for shopping online and wasting their time and inquiring about pricing. Then heard rants about retail and their investment in their merchandise and being a smaller store gives them reason to somehow double the price. A simple nice explanation might have done the job. Reminder- I simply asked why I.T was more. Throwing a fee at me and a nasty attitude sure doesn’t help the retail business. Client relationships do which are not found online. I wound up completing this purchase - supporting this store was painful and it deserves to shut down. I worked in retail myself and doubling retail pricing isn’t the answer to saving retail. Neither is nastiness.

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    Anne Wietecki


    The staff was pleasant. I have been going there for 10 yrs & will continue to. Was there in May of 2017 spent 675.00+ Went yesterday was looking was TOLD take your time as I was wrapping things up I was told we close in ten minutes you know. As I dropped another 645.00.

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