Wisconsin Kitchen Mart w Milwaukee

Stany ZjednoczoneWisconsin Kitchen Mart



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3601, West Wisconsin Avenue, 53208, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 414-342-3300
strona internetowej: wisconsinkitchenmart.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0384016, Longitude: -87.9596727

komentarze 5

  • Jim Jennings

    Jim Jennings


  • en

    Glen Martin


  • Jennifer Sato

    Jennifer Sato


    We've used Kitchen Mart for 3 remodels (kitchen, powder bath and master bath). The kitchen turned out beautiful, functional and we received many compliments on the design. Our bathrooms also turned out wonderful. Russ was very easy to work with, listened to our ideas and planned the rooms just like we wanted! We'd recommend Kitchen Mart for any remodel.

  • shawn geinopolos

    shawn geinopolos


    Set up an appointment with person in shop. Waited for him to show...for hours...never called or emailed to let us know what happened. I will be taking my business to a competitor. If this is how they start, I don't want to finish.

  • en

    David Williams


    Wisconsin Kitchen Mart "Fired" Client We’re sure Wisconsin Kitchen Mart does satisfactory run of the mill remodeling jobs for clients who are willing to do it “the Kitchen Mart way.” Particular and knowledgeable clients who want to participate in the planning process should look elsewhere. We are doing a complete kitchen re-model with a budget of up to $75K. We have consulted three firms. We had the highest expectations for Kitchen Mart. It all came to naught because of the firm’s inflexibility. Unfortunately, this did not become apparent until late in he process. For our final meeting at which we were presented with the plan we traveled from our other home in Boston to Milwaukee. This was after we had already spent many hours with their salesperson/designer at our home and at his office. Early in the process we clearly enumerated what we wanted and stated potential concerns. There were three things that were very important to us. Without elaborating on the particulars, it became clear at our final meeting that the salesperson/designer had not heeded our requests. We then offered three reasonable alternative solutions to the items of concern. We left thinking that all was well. A day after that meeting we received a letter stating, “….Wisconsin Kitchen Mart will not proceed with your project.” It is the firm’s prerogative to not do our project, but they could have bowed out early saving us a lot of time and travel costs. All of the reasons the firm cited for not doing the project were foreseeable by the salesperson/designer, but he chose to “bypass” our concerns in the belief that we would do it “the Kitchen Mart way.”

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