Wingstop w Alhambra

Stany ZjednoczoneWingstop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

100, East Main Street, 91801, Alhambra, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 626-282-9464
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.0953245, Longitude: -118.1259624

komentarze 5

  • Liz Hernandez

    Liz Hernandez


    The store “supervisor” Ashley, sucks at customer service. DOES NOT know how to talk to customers AT ALL !!! She is extremely rude !!! Wingstop charged me and she did not CARE about the situation ! I had to double pay for my food. Never coming back here again ! She should work on her customer service skills. Or maybe this isn’t the job for Ashley.

  • Mitha Lesmana

    Mitha Lesmana


    This is horrible place. The cashier she doesnt look like the job. She will gv you sarcastic look. And rush you to order. When I am want order some other thing she look unhappy. Even my kids ask me why she so mean. 2nd they got my order wrong and they dont even apologize!! 3rd they close the restroom for customer. I never heard that any restaurant will close the restroom for customer. I am guessing they just doesnt want the customer make dirty the restroom coz its mean more job for them. I am always keep telling my kids to wash their hand before eat coz you all know the covid thing. And we just want to wash our hand they dont allow it!. I was thinking it's for all location but uts not. I call other location on fremont and they say they open the restroom for customer and their company or head quarter never say that we close the restroom for customer!! This place its ridiculous!! I never want come back here !!

  • An An

    An An


    The chicken wings are very cold! My order was ready in five minutes, but they pre-cooked my chicken which is why it’s so cold. Very terrible service. My food was not hot or delicious

  • Nismo



    This place serve salt with a side of chicken!!! Barely any meat and all breading, every flavor is over seasoned with salt on top of salt with a side of salt! Never eating here again. Staff was ok and courteous. Never again.

  • Sam Sam “Ms.B” D

    Sam Sam “Ms.B” D


    Earlier this evening, my daughter tried to place a phone order. She was told they (this location) were not taking phone orders. She proceeded to go to the location, place the order. The order added up over $50 dollars, once she submitted her form of payment which was "cash" she was then told this location was not accepting currency larger than a $20 dollar bill. My question is, would anyone be upset at this service?

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