Wing Zone w Lexington

Stany ZjednoczoneWing Zone



🕗 godziny otwarcia

351, Southland Drive, 40503, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 859-259-1300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.016847, Longitude: -84.52443

komentarze 5

  • Private Citizen

    Private Citizen


    Man, there is nothing like cold, over-priced, food that tatstes like buttered ass after waiting almost an hour for your delivery.

  • en

    Jason Riley


    Horrible management. They completely messed up my order and would not own up and refund my money. Not recommended.

  • Angela Webb

    Angela Webb


    Had an awful experience here. Placed an order for 100 wings, in which the owner said the order was forgotten and they couldn't deliver that same day. I called cooperate, and they apologized and sent us a 50 dollar gift card. Used it to purchase more wings, when the delivery driver got there he kept repeating he had never seen that type of card before and would have to call it in. When he called it in, I asked for my card back because we only used 45 dollars of it, he tried to say he couldn't let me keep it and had to take it back. He just kept acting as if this card from cooperate was fake. The wings was way over cooked and not the best. I used to like wing zone, but will seek other options from now on. Bdubs is right down the road as well. Coorperate was very nice to give us the gift card as these stores she said are franchises. They did end up taking the gift card, and the driver did say the man he called said I could keep it. Just very rude, and not the best experiences 2 times now. Won't be back.

  • John Paul Beard

    John Paul Beard


    Wide array of choices for wing flavors. Most of which are very yummy. I enjoy most of the sauce based wings instead of dry rub.

  • MyKala Mcnair

    MyKala Mcnair


    I typically order from wing zone often and idk if they are under new management or what but the service I received today just cost them a few customers I placed an order for our work lunch wings shrimp and mozzarella sticks the shrimp was over cooked the wings were undercooked (still red in the middle) and one order they even forgot to add the sauce to the wings and just ya e me ranch on the side after I called back twice I finally just asked for a full refund and they could pick up their food the guy who answered the phone was so rude I didn’t yell curse him or anything but as rude as he was there was no way I was going to let them replace my food and I have now spent my whole lunch with no food and still waiting on them to pick up their food and refund me my money.... Sorry u have just lost a customer in me I will never orderthere again I’m sorry I don’t do Raw chicken oh Incase I forgot the I told them I wanted my chicken well done I am one pissed off woman

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