Windsor Jewelry w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneWindsor Jewelry



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16, North Meridian Street, 46204, Indianapolis, Marion County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 317-634-6736
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Latitude: 39.767678, Longitude: -86.158214

komentarze 5

  • Shawn Morris

    Shawn Morris


    What an incredible experience! My fiancé absolutely raved about his experience at Windsor Jewelry. The quality, cut, edification all top notch. She wasn't pressured and was able to craft the most beautiful ring. Mr. Mrs Jim and Christina were such a pleasure to work with and offered honest advice when we went back together to pick out bands. Highly recommend!

  • Dakota Wappes

    Dakota Wappes


    Went in recently to have my watch resized. It was the quickest experience I have had in watch repair and the service was top notch.

  • Matt Schwark

    Matt Schwark


    20th Anniversary Ring I have learned that the world revolves around relationships. Now I wonder why it has taken me so long to realize that jewelry purchases should be no different. Historically I have purchased jewelry through department stores but never again. I needed to get my wedding ring resized and had been looking for something for my wife to celebrate our 20th anniversary. Department stores would not resize my ring and Windsor Jewelry in downtown Indianapolis was recommended so I stopped in. Jeremy helped me resized my ring and spent several hours sitting with my wife and I, helping us look at rings, understanding our options, offered recommendations on what would work and what would not work for our life style, explain the different aspects of a diamonds, and worked with us on price. I was really amazed that aspects of a ring and diamond that I thought were important turned out not to be noticeable when you placed them next to other rings and diamonds, and aspects that I had never considered actually made a significant difference. You do not get that in a department store. I never would have thought that I would have been as pleased with what Jeremy helped us pick out. It was a great ring. I knew nothing about jewelry, and after that experience I have to say I could not have been happier with our purchase. Greg Bires, the owner, stopped by, talked to us for several minutes, thanked us for coming, and was incredibly pleasant, and at no time was there any pressure to buy. I have to mention, that we had our 9 and 11 year old with us. Anyone can imagine how incredibly exciting jewelry shopping is for children (sarcasm), but the staff gave them hot chocolate, candy, and Christmas ornaments to decorate which kept them occupied and was incredibly helpful. An outstanding experience, great job by Jeremy and the staff and I highly recommended that if you are in the market for new or custom jewelry that you include Windsor in your search. I now have a jeweler.

  • en

    s cooper


    Superb customer service. Brought an old pocket watch in for a new crystal and timing adjustment. Windsor had it repaired in less than two days. The watch looks great and the charge was more than reasonable. Staff member Jeremy went the "extra mile" and, at my request, consulted with the watch maker to determine the age of the watch (1901) and the metal type of the case. He also gave me a jeweler's cloth to polish the watch case. Will definitely be a return customer to Windsor and will recommend to family and friends!

  • Isabel Bay

    Isabel Bay


    Windsor Jewelry provides outstanding service to Shiel Sexton when shopping for corporate gifts. Jeremy and Greg work closely with us each step of the way to ensure we are happy with our specialized products. Their attention to detail and prompt service makes working with them such a great experience. They continuously go the extra mile to make sure we are pleased. We plan to continue using them for many years to come!

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