Window Tinting Oasis i Las Vegas

Forenede StaterWindow Tinting Oasis



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3425, East Flamingo Road, 89121, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 702-451-0393
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.1147068, Longitude: -115.0998868

kommentar 5

  • en

    James Smithhart


    Great price, top notch

  • Jamie Scuba

    Jamie Scuba


    Great service as always, thank you!

  • Chuck De La Mora

    Chuck De La Mora


    They do excellent work.

  • en

    celeste harlow


    We had our auto window tinting done here about 7 years ago and it held up beautifully. Looks as good now as the day we did it. Great quality product and Esteban took excellent care of us! A new car now and this is where we are having it done again.

  • Richard Polk

    Richard Polk


    I had my new Mustang tinted at Oasis based on a friend's recommendation. I choose ceramic tint, and they did a very nice job at a reasonable price. This place is tiny and easy to miss, but don't let that keep you away - they do good work. I will definitely return if I need to have another car tinted.

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