Wimpy's en North Las Vegas

Estados UnidosWimpy's



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171, West Centennial Parkway, 89084, North Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 702-633-0223
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.2760833, Longitude: -115.1420323

comentarios 5

  • Clexakru forever lextra

    Clexakru forever lextra


    This is not fast food but it is delicious. They make everything fresh as you order it so prepare to wait. So far my favorite burgers in Vegas

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    Max Woods


    Best burgers in town. Simple burgers prepared perfectly. Juicy yet crisp plump fries. Serves breakfast omelets all day as well.

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    Christopher cavemain


    Good food all around, need to keep their inventory up. Been there twice and no shakes. No milk first time, no strawberry flavoring the next. Odd way to run a business if you actually WANT people to come eat there......

  • Anthony Griffith

    Anthony Griffith


    My family and I have been going here since it opened up and we really like the flavor of the burgers. They taste home made. The only problem with this place is they need to keep it clean. The tables inside are usually dirty, the front of the counter doesn't get wiped down, and the floor looks dirty. It is a shame, because I don't want to see this place go out of business. They have really good burgers. We will still eat there though as long as we can stand the lack of cleanliness. Like I said, the burgers are good.

  • Jay Que

    Jay Que


    Wimpys burgers are pretty awesome. I always get the bacon cheese burger. Its a great burger with REALLY THICK bacon that is every bit of delicious as it sounds. Wimpy's also has good zucchini fries (deep fried of course). Their prices are fair and the service has always been good. Has a drive through as well for a quick grab n go.

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