Wilson Hardware w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneWilson Hardware



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2915, Wilson Boulevard, 22201, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-527-4200
strona internetowej: wilsonhardwareva.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8886201, Longitude: -77.0938153

komentarze 5

  • Sergio Rosario

    Sergio Rosario


    Great drinks! Order the steak fries you won't regret it! - Kid Friendly - Quality Food - Will be returning

  • en



    Wonderful staff- fantastic atmosphere! Every space here is a super fun. From the downstairs bar, dining seating, upstairs area, patio, to the roof top bar, you’ll have a great time everywhere. Food is fabulous, try the cheese fritters for an appetizer and the chicken for an entre. BTW Tito’s vodka is gluten free and they have it by the water here !

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    A Billiot


    My boyfriend and I LOVE Wilson Hardware. The appetizers have been our favorite part so far, but the Nailed It and Adjustable Wrench cocktails are also up there. We have now been for dinner twice and stopped by for late night drinks. It's officially one of our favorite, go-to places in Clarendon.

  • Brendan Magee

    Brendan Magee


    The bottomless brunch is excellent—great food at very reasonable prices. They also have good coffee (Lavazza, I believe), which is a huge plus. I highly recommend Wilson Hardware to anyone in the area.

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    Jennifer Clark


    Food, drinks, and service were outstanding. We were a group of four on a Saturday night who asked to be seated in a area of the restaurant that might be quieter so we could talk and not have to shout. (I know, Clarendon on Sat. , what was I thinking). We were seated in the smaller dining section, but between two large parties of 10+. Could barely hear our server. Two beers we selected from the menu were not available, and no decaf coffee. However those things will not deter me from going back at a quieter time. I look forward to trying the outdoor dining area and maybe have a no-shout conversation with friends. The decor and architecture are stunning. Great vibe and addition to Clarendon. Everyone in my group enjoyed their food, and the drinks were stellar.

najbliższy Bar

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