Williamson Buick GMC w Miami

Stany ZjednoczoneWilliamson Buick GMC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7815, Southwest 104th Street, 33156, Miami, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 305-982-7912
strona internetowej: www.williamsonautomotivegroup.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.6743755, Longitude: -80.3207013

komentarze 5

  • Chris Schain

    Chris Schain


    Service was done quickly and Eric, the Service Manager, was very communicative. However, I still have an issue with the fact that Williamson doesn't immediately offer loaners. I was told that loaners were only made available for out-of-warranty repairs totaling $500 or more and that one could not be provided while they were diagnosing the problem. Instead, I had to rent a car from Enterprise (which smelled like cigarette smoke - separate issue). I was told that, once the diagnosis was complete and if it was over $500, I could return the rental for a loaner. However, by the time they determined that it was $700+, they fixed it the same day so I had to pay the repair costs plus the cost of the rental. And on top of that, Williamson overcharged me and I had to spend 45 minutes waiting for them to find someone who could update the ticket to the correct amount. You need to do better, Williamson.

  • en

    Sebastian Magarinos


    This was an easy transaction, purchasing a new Buick Enclave. Our Sales associate, Ronell Perera, was knowledgeable and professional. He is really the reason why we purchase the car. He made us feel welcomed, we felt part of their family. The level of service provided by Ronell wil make us continue to purchasing vehicles in the future from Williamson Cadillac!

  • en



    Had nothing short of a great experience shopping with Williamson. Luis Sanchez was a fantastic salesman and helped get me a truck that suited my needs perfectly. It is a well run dealership and I highly recommend it if you are looking for a Buick, Cadillac, or GMC. Ask for Luis and you will get great service!

  • en

    Fridel Pedrique


    I had a wonderful experience leasing my vehicle from Williamson. The salesman Ronell Perera was ready and eager to help me with this process. He listened to my needs and was able to match what I wanted with a price I could afford, no hidden costs . The finance manager was also great at getting me at the price I wanted. Everybody at the dealership was professional and friendly. I will definitely come back again!

  • en

    Jennifer Enriquez


    Skip was always very helpful and gives me timely updates of the vehicle. Excellent service! Very happy overall.

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