William S. Chang, DDS w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneWilliam S. Chang, DDS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

39-07 Prince St. Suite: 5E, Flushing, NY 11354, США
kontakt telefon: +1 718-461-9311
strona internetowej: www.changddsnyc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7593889, Longitude: -73.8318898

komentarze 4

  • en

    Sang Oh


    Dr. William Chang and his father Dr. Amos Chang are everything you want in your dentist. Both are extremely friendly in demeanor, thoughtful in their explanation and professional in execution. Dr. Chang didn't just identify the issue, but spent time explain the root (pun intended) of the problem and steps I can take to prevent them in the future. My son was put into the hands of Dr. Amos Chang and he left the office with an ear-to-ear smile and said it was the easiest dentist visit ever. Their office is really conveniently located right in Flushing. We actually live an hour away but came here based on a recommendation. The hour was well worth the trip and we'll gladly come here for our regular cleanings. I can't recommend both Dr. William Chang and his father Dr. Amos Chang enough. Also, the front staff is super friendly and had my son laughing during the full 1-2 minutes or so it took me to fill out a short form.

  • Stan Liang

    Stan Liang


    Fantastic dentist and dental practice. I am extremely pleased with the level of care that Dr. William Chang provides. He has excellent bedside manners, a quality that is unfortunately missing in many healthcare providers. Dr. Chang uses modern techniques and technology to better assist his patients while keeping them informed by explaining his process throughout the procedure. I also really enjoyed the practice as a whole, I have never waited longer then 10 minutes before I was seen by Dr. Chang. The front office staff was extremely polite and accommodating, scheduling was a breeze. I've learned that it is a family practice which explains the level of attention they pay to their patients. They really take pride in their work and strive to do whats best for their patients. Thanks again Dr. Chang!

  • en



    I usually get nervous when I go for dental work but Dr. Chang was very caring and gentle. I got a teeth cleaning and retainers from him. His work in both times were outstanding! I highly recommend Dr. Chang.

  • Ronald Kim

    Ronald Kim


    Root canal was very comfortable and crown is perfect

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