William Edge Salon and Day Spa w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneWilliam Edge Salon and Day Spa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2214, Elliston Place, 37203, Nashville, Davidson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 615-515-3767
strona internetowej: www.williamedge.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.150987, Longitude: -86.804774

komentarze 5

  • E Hyde

    E Hyde


    In my opinion, what makes William Edge stand apart from a lot of other salons is that they truly care about their team as much as their clientele. The "no tipping" policy caught me by surprise at first, but after several visits, I began to better understand the outstanding culture they have developed. Crystal is the BEST stylist I have ever had! I highly recommend this place!

  • Jane Yackley

    Jane Yackley


    Got a cut and color with Briana and had a great experience. Staff were welcoming and attentive. I got my hair lightened to add in rose gold. Briana added a second round of tint to ensure the color was what I was looking for and spent extra time to create a style that made me feel like a million bucks when I walked out the door. The "no tipping" policy is also appreciated, as it makes budgeting easier knowing that gratuity is included in the upfront cost.

  • Jason Soucy

    Jason Soucy


    I LOVE William Edge! Jaima is a miracle worker in the chair, making the experience personalized with impeccable expertise and great conversation. The entire front staff is incredible, too—very accommodating and friendly. I would recommend to anyone!

  • Sheelah Iyengar

    Sheelah Iyengar


    It was my first time at William Edge and I had grown out my hair for two years for my wedding. It was down to the middle of back. May hair is so thick and it had grown so long. After the wedding, I was dying to do something totally different. I went to Amber at William Edge and showed her some pictures and told her I wanted to do a pixie cut! She immediately knew what my vision for my hair was and did such a fantastic job cutting it and styling it (exactly the way I wanted it to). She even gave me advice and coached me how to style it on my own at home. A couple days later, I rocked my pixie to work as if I had just stepped out of the salon that very day. I love it so much! William Edge is the place to go! And book Amber, she is just amazing, talented, and so nice!

  • en

    Cassie Rocha


    I adore this place. I never leave disappointed and always leave with a smile on my face! The staff is friendly and kind. They are generous with coffee, tea, and mimosas. I’ve had my hair colored, cut, and styled here. All of my experiences have been absolutely amazing. My most recent visit was this past Saturday for a wedding and I LOVE how my updo turned out. I got multiples compliments! Just show them a photo of what style you are looking for and they will try to create that similar look! GO TO WILLIAM EDGE SALON!

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